Apache HUDI and its Use Cases

Rakesh singhania
3 min readMar 3, 2023


Apache Hudi is an open-source data management framework that enables high-performance and scalable data ingestion, storage, and processing.

Hudi stands for “Hadoop Upserts Deletes and Incrementals” and is designed to handle large-scale data sets in distributed computing environments such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Flink.

One of the main features of Apache Hudi is its support for upserts (updates and inserts), deletes, and incremental data processing. This makes it ideal for use cases where data is constantly changing and requires efficient updates and deletes. Hudi provides a mechanism to efficiently store and process the incremental changes made to the data, making it ideal for use cases such as real-time analytics, stream processing, and machine learning.

Apache HUDI provides a robust and scalable data ingestion framework that can handle a variety of use cases , that make it a valuable data management tool. Here are some examples of use cases where Apache Hudi can be used:

Stream processing: Apache Hudi can be used for stream processing use cases such as real-time analytics, log processing, and event-driven architectures. Hudi provides near real-time data ingestion and processing capabilities, making it suitable for stream processing use cases.

Data warehousing: Apache Hudi can be used for data warehousing use cases such as data integration, data consolidation, and data transformation. Hudi’s support for schema evolution and data versioning makes it ideal for data warehousing use cases.

Data lake management: Apache Hudi can be used for managing data lakes and providing data access control, data lineage, and data governance. Hudi provides a scalable and efficient way to store, manage, and process data in a data lake environment.

Machine learning: Apache Hudi can be used for machine learning use cases such as feature engineering, model training, and model serving. Hudi provides a way to efficiently store and process large datasets, making it suitable for machine learning use cases.

IoT and edge computing: Apache Hudi can be used for IoT and edge computing use cases such as data collection, data processing, and data analysis. Hudi’s support for data partitioning and data compression makes it ideal for handling large amounts of data generated by IoT and edge devices.

Overall, Apache HUDI provides a versatile data management tool that can handle a variety of use cases across different industries and domains.

Here’s an overview of the steps involved in ingesting data into Apache Hudi:

Choose the right storage system: Apache Hudi supports various storage systems such as HDFS, Amazon S3, and Azure Blob Storage. You need to choose the storage system that best suits your needs.

Define the schema: Before ingesting data into Apache Hudi, you need to define the schema for the data. The schema defines the structure of the data, including the field names, data types, and any constraints.

Prepare the data: You need to prepare the data that you want to ingest into Apache Hudi. This includes cleaning, filtering, and transforming the data to match the defined schema.

Configure Hudi options: You need to configure various options such as the storage type, table type, and write operation mode. Hudi provides various write modes such as upsert, insert, and bulk-insert.

Ingest the data: Once you have prepared the data and configured the Hudi options, you can ingest the data into Apache Hudi. You can use various tools such as Apache Spark, Apache Flink, or Apache NiFi to ingest data into Hudi.

Query the data: After ingesting data into Hudi, you can query the data using various tools such as Hive, Presto, or Spark SQL. You can also use Hudi’s own API to query the data.

To Be continued..



Rakesh singhania

As a student of technology, each day I take a single step forward on the path of learning.